Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thankful Thursday!!!

First of all, sooo many bad things are going on around all of, people loosing jobs, getting sick, the economy, the war, the weather, no health insurance, having to say good bye to great people we care about, not getting to see the people we love and care about, just soooo bad things. When we turn on the news it seems like that is all that we see only the bad, so tonight well about a week now I have been really thinking about everything that is going on--- and I REALLY REALLY realize that I have soo much to be thankful for... First of all, I'M so Thankful to be a mommy to wonderful kids, I am so thankful to be chosen to be a parent to a child that has had special needs, I am so thankful to have a wonderful husband, that really loves being a dad, loves having a huge family, that is such a great dad, and that is fighting for our freedom, (thank honey). I'm so thankful to have the family that I have, I have wonderful parents, my kids have the BEST grandparents ever, and we have such a LARGE EXTENDED family but we are all so close and great support system and my life would fall apart without each and everyone of them.. I'm thankful that I'm able to be a stay at home mom, there is alot of things that we would love to have and don't have in life , but you know that we are really have soo much to be thankful for.. Take time to appreciate all that WE DO HAVE, AND FORGET WHAT YOU DON'T!!! PRAISE GOD FOR ALL THE GOOD WE HAVE IN OUR LIFE......

Let me know what your Thankful for today....

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