Thursday, March 12, 2009

Only in TN-----

Well, I just had to share with you one of the cutest pics ever, this my friends is my sweet little B, doing what he does... He lives in his own little world, and even Khloe wants in on the action... Brayden is really loving "pretend play" he talks on the phone and carries on conversations, per Bray's language at time s we were understand alot of what he is saying or at least I do Darin, not so much.. but that's what we mama's do - then shows how close Khloe is to crawling... Just not there yet. Ill have to update you all tomorrow on Brayden's new pretend play--- you can tell he really pays attention to what is going on there--- but that you will have to wait for.... Speaking of tomorrow only in TN--- do we get school called off due to INCLEMENT Weather, when it rains and drops below 33 degrees??? (a little exaggeration) but we are out tomorrow and no snow in sight, we really haven't seen any this year....

And speaking of weather---- Ethan had Spring Pics made yesterday at school ,Look how cute he was, man he is really growing up... He also had awards day at school today- he is such a class clown he got on stage today dancing, and waving--- come on E!!! HE is such a ham... Well, I hope you all enjoy your" SNOW DAY" and we are now out of school for 2 more weeks of SPRING BREAK!!! One more small note- my hubby took off 3 days this week to spend some family time together, and although we really have nothing but relax around the house, it has been a nice 3 days-

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sending the link to me Tiffany. I check you out every day! It's hard to believe that the children are in school and they are growing so fast. I have thought of you often and now I can keep up to date with things going on in your life. I am so glad to hear that you are happy being a mommy and a wife. Tell Darin hello for me.
