Sunday, March 29, 2009


Tonight one of my sweet aunts took my dad to the ER and I met her there, he has had this terrible "cold" for over a month, he is really wheezing, having a really yucky deep cough so she took him the ER after talking to his Dr today, being that he is a diabetic sometime the plan of action is a little different for you and I. But once we all got there, the ER doctors felt he may have had a blood clot break loose from his lung and be in his lung, causing him such shortness of breath and such, once of my dads unfortunate side of affects of diabetes and as we learned tonight it is getting much worse are his kidney functions, showing that his kidneys are not functioning at what they should, in order to better diagnose him they wanted to do a CT scan of his lungs but the dye that they use, could poison him being that his kidney's cant flush it out of his system, they ended up admitting his to stay and are giving him breathing treatments and watching his oxygen levels, giving him IV antibiotics, and going to consult with a lung doctor, and kidney specials in the morning, this time last year his kidney levels were at 1.9, about a month or so ago they were at 2.0 and tonight they were at 2.9 they should be at 0.9 this is showing kidney failure, please say your prayers ,and give the doctors the wisdom to treat him and find out whats going with this prolonged cough and wheezing, and thank you for having such amazing family, to be there by your side, they are sooo special to me, and love them dearly.

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