Thursday, July 8, 2010


I know that I have been terrible with blogging and to think I was going to do so much better while Darin was away so that he could get up on the day to day activities, well...... Life has been so crazy I really love to read everyone else's blog, but not so much into taking the time to write down my day.... But, so much is going on, I really don't want to forget anything.

I have been working on our house alot lately trying to get everything nice and ready for Darin's homecoming. Not that he really could care what the house looks like, as long as he has a bathroom to walk to and a bed to lay down I'm sure he will not be picky. But being the home decorator that I am, I really want to make it as close to perfect as I can. .

So, today I finally redid a table that turned out completely awesome, I picked it up at a yard sale for 10.00, and bought a can of paint with a lot of sanding and painting it looks awesome ( Ill add pics later, I'm on the laptop and my pics are all on our PC). Then on to the bedroom, I had the house painted when Darin first left, I just never did anything else with it, so I'm finally working on redoing the rooms and getting that into place, bought a beautiful new bed spread and finally after over 2 years finally hung curtains in our bedroom.
Also, while I'm on this cleaning phase, I'm really trying to better use every bit of our space and to organize everything the best that I can. Our original plans were to not be here forever and I would love for us to move into a bigger home, but for now I think its silly. We are blessed with a nice 4 bedroom home, and its in a great area so we just need to stay put. I can become very greedy and don't mean to. I would love for the kids to have a bonus room, and to have an extra office space, and for our living room to be just a little bigger, but that is silly. We are so blessed to have the home that we do, I will not want anything else. I'm blessed that we have running water, and electricity. So, while I'm re-organizing, I'm also going thru the house and getting rid of so many decorations, or things we simply do not need. there are lots of other people that need what we have so its time to move on.....
Also, for more fun in today's events, the boys and I had the house nice and clean, which is not something that happens often, but glad that we did my grandparents stopped into town and having an over night trip. Which is fun, it was fun to sit around and spend time with them. We are planning on going out yard saling in the morning. SO, as soon as I talk with my hubby and watch a little Big Br*ther After D*rk , I missed the show tonight, so I'm trying to get caught up on the people this will help for time to pass by the rest of the summer.. So, HAPPY THURSDAY!!!!

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