Monday, December 28, 2009
I am allowed to say that my hubby leaves from our home for good today they have at least another month of training before they get on the plane but this deployment is diffrent then the past ones when he was in active army. He just got on a plane and left. This time he is training for 3 months then leaves for Iraq. without giving a lot of details today the busses will pull out and he will not be back home for another year so today is sad. PRAY for safe treavels. PRAY that they have a safe deployment.PRAY for strength for them.PRAY for the families. GOD PROTECT THEM...... Ill update on Christmas later. This deployment is kicking my butt....
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Its Beginning To Look Alot Like Christmas!!!!
First of all today was a big day for My Khloe...
Today she went to an outside babysitter for the first time.It was the same lady that kept my Ethan, the only person that has ever kept my kids that wasn't family, Khloe didn't cry today when I left her, but she was clingy when we came home. It was funny for her to play with another little boy, and to have some time away from me.. Good day and we are going to try more days like today so I can have some time away to get things done while Darin is away.... Moving on....
* This year some of my favorite gifts are anything monogrammed, I'm loving these monogrammed hand sanitizers, I got these for all our teachers, and all of Braydens therapist, I think they are so cute...

A new ornament that was added this year we have a few military ornaments this one is our new one and is hanging at the top of our tree in honor of my hubby... "Serving our Country Proudly" indeed he is...

I bought my polka dotted plates this year new, I have lots of dishes but I thought that these were toooo cute. and a set of 4 for only 7.99

This didn't photograph well but it looks really pretty in person I hung the garland and beads over my favorite mirror it really added a little touch to that wall..

This was my favorite spot in our living room, I thought that these glittery balls and trees showed up so pretty against the white...

Here is our tree in the daylight before it was completely done, but you get the idea of some of our holiday decorations. It looks so festive in every room, but tonight I'M going to go to bed, we have another busy day tomorrow. Ethan has awards day at school, we had Braydens last night. Ill do an awards day post maybe tomorrow night..

* This year some of my favorite gifts are anything monogrammed, I'm loving these monogrammed hand sanitizers, I got these for all our teachers, and all of Braydens therapist, I think they are so cute...

A new ornament that was added this year we have a few military ornaments this one is our new one and is hanging at the top of our tree in honor of my hubby... "Serving our Country Proudly" indeed he is...

I bought my polka dotted plates this year new, I have lots of dishes but I thought that these were toooo cute. and a set of 4 for only 7.99

This didn't photograph well but it looks really pretty in person I hung the garland and beads over my favorite mirror it really added a little touch to that wall..

This was my favorite spot in our living room, I thought that these glittery balls and trees showed up so pretty against the white...

Here is our tree in the daylight before it was completely done, but you get the idea of some of our holiday decorations. It looks so festive in every room, but tonight I'M going to go to bed, we have another busy day tomorrow. Ethan has awards day at school, we had Braydens last night. Ill do an awards day post maybe tomorrow night..
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Military Marriage...
I really don't know how to start this post, I have really been meaning to update more then this and I will soon, this was just my first week into deployment and I want to make sure that I journal all of our lives for the family to see and to journal it for Darin to look back and read or if he get s a minute maybe he can catch up over in Ir*q who knows... But anyway, this week has been a roller coaster week for me, I started off doing really well, actually really well, I was really surprised at myself then by Thursday it hit me.. who am I kidding I'M not this strong person that I think that I am, I'M weak. My kids are having a hard time with this already and yes to you all it has only been a week and he is coming home for Christmas, but for our little family in the last 4 months Darin has come and gone so much the kids don't know what is going on so to say the least they are having a hard time. By Thursday Ethan has decided that he HATES me , he HATES me for his daddy being gone. He HATES me because our family is not normal, he HATES me because his daddy is in the army, he HATES me because everyone else has there daddy home ( little does he know about divorce, ha) he HATES me because I'm the worse mom in the world, because I cant give him ALL my attention there are 2 other little ones that need me, he HATES me because he has school 5 days a week, I'M telling you when I took him to school Thursday he begged me not to pick him he HATES me and if this is how it was going to be around our house and his daddy was going to go to war and carry a gun he wants a new family... So to say the least my kids are having a hard time. Which makes me have a hard time....
I went to our Family Readiness Gr@up on Saturday and we were all talking and it was so nice to know that everything my kids are going thru is all normal and it will get better, but it was also refreshing to hear people talk about their marriages, not good for them, but they were talking about how they hated their husbands for leaving, they didn't know if their marriages would last thru this deployment, one wife said that she knows that she probably will not be here when they come home, and one wife that I was shocked to hear that her husband has stopped talking to her for about a month to detach from family life, wow.. Like I said this was sad on their part, but refreshing for me, selfish of me --- um yeah! But it makes me happy to know that no part of me hates my hubby for leaving, I'M not mad, yes I'M sad but defiantly not mad! I know that my marriage will last thru this deployment, if it is anything like last time it made our marriage stronger, Darin and I had great communication skills we learned that we were always here for one another, and that our marriage was going to be just fine, Now all that said it doesn't mean that yes we send OUR husbands off and they come back the same person , they don't. They come back forever changed, I remember my husband came home and was very quiet, distant, we took a little adjusting to being who we were, but we didn't love each other in less. But all of this is normal when your in a military marriage.. You have to learn to not ask questions, let your spouse talk, be there when they are ready to talk, listen don't judge them, be ready for them to criticize the things you do while they are gone, secretly they are jealous that you can do things without them.. yeah i learn that I can live without him, I can take our the trash, I can get the yard mowed, yeah I can manage 3 kids, I can do all these things by myself, do i i want to do these things by myself, do I want to be by myself? Not for a minute.. We make the best team of parents, we are best friends and we can get thru it all. we are living in this military marriage, and I'M THANKFUL, that I know we are going to be just fine....
I went to our Family Readiness Gr@up on Saturday and we were all talking and it was so nice to know that everything my kids are going thru is all normal and it will get better, but it was also refreshing to hear people talk about their marriages, not good for them, but they were talking about how they hated their husbands for leaving, they didn't know if their marriages would last thru this deployment, one wife said that she knows that she probably will not be here when they come home, and one wife that I was shocked to hear that her husband has stopped talking to her for about a month to detach from family life, wow.. Like I said this was sad on their part, but refreshing for me, selfish of me --- um yeah! But it makes me happy to know that no part of me hates my hubby for leaving, I'M not mad, yes I'M sad but defiantly not mad! I know that my marriage will last thru this deployment, if it is anything like last time it made our marriage stronger, Darin and I had great communication skills we learned that we were always here for one another, and that our marriage was going to be just fine, Now all that said it doesn't mean that yes we send OUR husbands off and they come back the same person , they don't. They come back forever changed, I remember my husband came home and was very quiet, distant, we took a little adjusting to being who we were, but we didn't love each other in less. But all of this is normal when your in a military marriage.. You have to learn to not ask questions, let your spouse talk, be there when they are ready to talk, listen don't judge them, be ready for them to criticize the things you do while they are gone, secretly they are jealous that you can do things without them.. yeah i learn that I can live without him, I can take our the trash, I can get the yard mowed, yeah I can manage 3 kids, I can do all these things by myself, do i i want to do these things by myself, do I want to be by myself? Not for a minute.. We make the best team of parents, we are best friends and we can get thru it all. we are living in this military marriage, and I'M THANKFUL, that I know we are going to be just fine....
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Santa Baby....
WEll its Christmas Time in the city.....
Sunday we went to the Christmas parade...
The boys love Toy Soldiers, so we enjoyed some fun time even if it was 20 degrees...

Saturday, November 21, 2009
i promise maybe tonight I will do a better post, but Brayden has gotten sicker with a virus, he woke up Friday Morning around 4 am not being able to hold anything down, after 12 hrs of not keeping anything not even water down, we called the dr and they sent us to the ER we got there and poor Bray was very dehydrated, had to get some fluids by IV and shot of nausea meds, after Xrays, blood work another flu test, the decided he had a viral infection and after a few hrs we were able to go home with meds around the clock, and lots of rest.. Pray for him
Monday, November 16, 2009
Just wanted to let you know that we are still here, we had a great weekend and I do have some pics to post, but to much of our surprise... Our house is more like a hospital right now. In one room we have one puking. In another we have cool mist vaporizer going on and he is coughing his head off. Third room Khloe has her air purifier going on and she is the best out of all 3. Mommy and Daddy are all coughing and sneezing, when it hits around here, it hits good... Lets send good wishes our way we have company coming Thursday and I have to get real cleaning done ,and our tree put up, right now we are just doing piles and piles of laundry.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Fallen Soldier March 09
I had never completed my post about this fantastic march that me and some of my family did back in August. We participated along with around 200 soldiers and congressmen and other civilians to do a 9 mile walk. A few years ago a unit that was deployed during this war lost 9 of there men, and when there leader came back he was determined not to let them be forgotten so he marched a mile for each one that had died, that year he did it alone. The next year he invited other soldiers that wanted to march. This was the first year that they had opened it up to civilians, and he told everyone that if he got 200 people to walk the 9 miles with him, on Veterans Day he would march 29 miles to Nashville. And that he did. Sgt. Williams is one of the most incredible people I have ever met, all the soldiers wore there uniform with at least a 40 pound pack that was the only requirement and we left at 4:30 in the afternoon in AUGUST HEAT!!! These troops were awesome. I am beyond blessed to be a part of such an event and looking forward to doing it again next year.
This was all of us getting ready to leave the unit, to march thru town.
Here we go!!! My family and I were all in the front in Our Team Morgan shirts. We were proud there were around 10 civilians and we were 5 of them...

We felt all that these soldiers do and go thru, the hard work my husband puts into it, he never gives up, he works hard this is one thing that I could do.. There were times that I didn't think I was going to make it and there was a point that I couldn't pass air thru my lungs and took a break in a van for about 5 min, but I wanted Darin to know that I respect him, and that I was going to push hard, for he does every single time, he cant give up and stop and takes break out in the field, he has to keep going on, and that was my motivation.

Most of all these troops will not be here next year for the march, they are going to be deployed but no matter what, I'm going to work hard, and get thru this march with no breaks, and Ill be there next year...

The amount of cheers, honks, signs, flags, people clapping, and people on the side of the road with bottled water EVERYWHERE, makes me so proud of my town. We are so blessed.
And going into the Thanksgiving season- I want to make point of what I am thankful for, this year I'm thankful of this country that we are able to live in... Thankful for the men and women who make that possible. Thankful for those who walked right beside me during that march. I AM SO BLESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was all of us getting ready to leave the unit, to march thru town.

We felt all that these soldiers do and go thru, the hard work my husband puts into it, he never gives up, he works hard this is one thing that I could do.. There were times that I didn't think I was going to make it and there was a point that I couldn't pass air thru my lungs and took a break in a van for about 5 min, but I wanted Darin to know that I respect him, and that I was going to push hard, for he does every single time, he cant give up and stop and takes break out in the field, he has to keep going on, and that was my motivation.

Most of all these troops will not be here next year for the march, they are going to be deployed but no matter what, I'm going to work hard, and get thru this march with no breaks, and Ill be there next year...

The amount of cheers, honks, signs, flags, people clapping, and people on the side of the road with bottled water EVERYWHERE, makes me so proud of my town. We are so blessed.

*** Side note, the next morning me and Ethan woke up around 4am sick so sick, I took Ethan to the ER he tested positve for Swine Flu, and later on that night after I got thru worring about me baby, I got sicker and sicker, I really thought I was just exhausted from the march, but when I went to the dr on Monday I was positve for swine.. CRazy. ( this was all for my sake of journaling and not forgetting our crazy fun year)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Wonderful Wednesday
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Lord, wrap your arms around me
In this hostile,brutal place;
Help me do my duty
To uphold what is right;
Give me strength and courage
Each day and every night.
We are so very proud on this Veteran's Day to have our soldier home...
As we know that this time next year, we will celebrate many miles away....
This year is a very hard Veterans Day for me. In less that 20 days I will be saying Good- Bye to my soldier... I will watch him pack, make sure he has all that he needs, sit around and watch as everyone tells him bye, and that everything is going to be ok. Hold back tears so that my kids don't think its the end of the world, despite what they have heard about war... I will get the strength to watch him walk away and sit and wait for every single phone call, check my mail 10 times a day just to see his hand writing and to smell the letters that he touched, some will even be sandy and dirty and those I secretly treasure more.. I will only get to look into his eyes through the web cam. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to see him in somewhat real time. I will start looking for fun things to send him in care packages. His birthday will be celebrated miles and miles away. We will send him lots of cards. pictures. and items from home, so that he feels like he hasn't missed a thing. Truth is as bad as all of this seems, I am so PROUD of him, I STAND by him, as he has made the choice to SERVE our country with HONOR. AND FOR THIS I'M SO PROUD TO CALL THIS VETERAN MY HUSBAND. I will always stand by his side and support him thru all of his journey as he serves and protects this amazing country.
**** This picture us not a great pic, but you have to see it, this is the picture of him in the hanger just moments before he deployed for his first tour. This day changed his life...

Just as this day changed his.My cousin Cody signed up for the United States Army and is getting ready to start his journey soon, he will be deployed at the beginning of the year.

And on this day another cousin of mine Cora Beth, changed her life. She also enlisted in the United States Army and has already began her journey in Korea. She will be returning in April..
In this hostile,brutal place;
Let me draw peace and comfort
From your restful, sweet embrace.
To uphold what is right;
Give me strength and courage
Each day and every night.
To you in heaven above;
Protect me with your power
And sustain me with your love.....

**** This picture us not a great pic, but you have to see it, this is the picture of him in the hanger just moments before he deployed for his first tour. This day changed his life...

Just as this day changed his.My cousin Cody signed up for the United States Army and is getting ready to start his journey soon, he will be deployed at the beginning of the year.

And on this day another cousin of mine Cora Beth, changed her life. She also enlisted in the United States Army and has already began her journey in Korea. She will be returning in April..
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

And Brayden went to the Dr today too, he weighed 43 pounds, and he was tested again for flu, although we have all had swine flu, thankfully he did not have flu and his throat and ears looked good, he does have a very active tummy and he has a tummy bug, so we will see how things are going tomorrow if he goes to school tomorrow. So to say the least we have had a very long day full of screaming mad whiny kids.
Thankfully Ethan is staying strong and not sick, he went to choir practice tonight and he is staying with Papa so that he stays clear from the germs.. Speaking of Ethan, remind me I owe him his own entire post and his teenager ways!
****Just for fun we weighed Kinlee tonight and she weighed 23 pounds funny we have one 23,33,43 pounds Ill have to weigh Ethan and see where he is at.
*Note to self- I owe Brayden his entire Birthday Post.Ethan's bday is next Thursday!! These kids are growing like crazy!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
As I'm attempting to adjust to my new meds and recovering from a horrible weekend Khloe and Brayden are sick. We have started trying to potty train Brayden, I know that he is 4 now, but potty training a child with developmental delays and sensory issues can be slightly challenging, so we have had a crazy week with him. So this morning Brayden wakes up grabbing his tummy and telling me that his tummy hurts so we blow it off thinking well, maybe he just needs to go potty, so we go on and send him to school I tell his teacher that he has woke up holding his tummy and she is like we will watch him. As he was getting out of the car I noticed his attitude was changed he didn't want to get out of the car and was really scared to "jump" out of the van, so it was odd but we took it as Brayden Behavior. *** Side note- it has been colder in the morning and with his Stiff Person Syndrome it makes his body hurt, so some of his delay this morning I was afraid maybe his muscles were hurting. Anyway, at around 8:45 I see Brayden school calling me, and I knew it was time for him to be leaving for Physical Therapy so I was curious maybe he had to many accidents, I didn't expect for them to tell me he was throwing up everywhere!!!! So I went immediately to get my baby, feeling horrible for sending him to school, had I known he was sick, I would never sent him, but with all going on, I didn't want to over react.As the day goes on he has played but then grabbed his tummy, his head, and then as he was laying down for a nap he started complain that his back and legs were hurting poor angel, I hope that his Stiff Person is not going to start up again. We will watch and see how things are going, we are aware that if he is going thru a growth spurt it can be painful so we will keep a close eye, tonight he started running a fever so we are staying home tomorrow. Mommy is glad! SO we are going to doctor him and Khloe up all day tomorrow and hope this is short lived.
Monday, November 2, 2009
I promise that as soon as I get a few things under control that I will start blogging and I will blog daily. I want Darin to be where he can read and see what all is going on in our lives while he is away and this is such a great thing for me to go back and relive some fun times. Many days I'm always in a hurry , always running 15 min late (and that's on a good day.) Always struggling to gather all of our things together , juggling the different bags the kids might need, scrambling around to meet different dead lines for this and that , and the hardest thing that we have found that we are doing is killing our selves. I think that we know that we have around 35 days and he leaves and he will be gone a few days between then, and we are trying to cram in as much time together as we can so if that means we are staying up until way past midnight just so that we get as much time together as we can, that is what we are doing.
So, although there are so many things going on, I just sometimes hate to sit down and waist time that I could be doing something else to blog. But, in all honesty this is something that I LOVE, i love to read other peoples blogs, I have blog friends that I read, and I can go back and read what happened on certain days, and FAMILY can read and know what all is going on, and that is something that i love. Now tonight, I'm not going to share any Halloween pics, but maybe tomorrow.
Tonight, for my own personal reason I'm going to blog about me. My health over the weekend, remind myself, how bad things got for me so that I start to take better care of myself so that I never feel this way again.
Saturday, Halloween day, I should have woke up all excited, after all the day before my husband sends me awesome fall flowers, I spent the day with my kids schools, we were all into the holiday spirit, but really I wasn't. To be honest I didn't even get out of bed until after 1. And at that time I had to talk myself into getting out of bed, I had the worse head ache i have had in a long time. And I have had major migraines alot, but this was one of the worse. I suffered through put on my happy face and off we went trick or treating. I poured caffeine down like I was going to die if I didn't have any, and then I started taking Motrin, Tylenol all the generic meds I could get my hands on. My our last stop I was so sick I had to lay down on my cousins floor. And poor Darin helped load the car up my kids stayed their all night and I was forever thankful. Bu this time I was so sick my vision was so screwed up we got home my heart was pounding, my head was throbbing we checked my blood pressure to find it was 206/115. This is high, and my husband immediately tells me that we are going to the ER. but stubborn me passes on that and decides it would be to busy and I'm to sick to go to the hospital... long story... i went for next 24 hours like this in bed popping tons of head ache pills, around the clock monitoring my bp, and begging to die. I couldn't get a good breath, at one point Darin sat down beside me and looked like he had tears in his eyes and was like honey I'm so worried lets go to the hospital, as I laid there thinking maybe I really should all the hours of meds finally hit me and I passed out until 5 that afternoon.
We have struggled with this over the weekend i went to the Dr today. My pressure was terrible there they gave me so much meds that I came home and passed out and now I'm getting a shower and going back to bed, they took alot of bled today they need to check out my kidneys and my heart and a few other things. We got my meds changed and I hope I start to feel like my old self soon.
So, although there are so many things going on, I just sometimes hate to sit down and waist time that I could be doing something else to blog. But, in all honesty this is something that I LOVE, i love to read other peoples blogs, I have blog friends that I read, and I can go back and read what happened on certain days, and FAMILY can read and know what all is going on, and that is something that i love. Now tonight, I'm not going to share any Halloween pics, but maybe tomorrow.
Tonight, for my own personal reason I'm going to blog about me. My health over the weekend, remind myself, how bad things got for me so that I start to take better care of myself so that I never feel this way again.
Saturday, Halloween day, I should have woke up all excited, after all the day before my husband sends me awesome fall flowers, I spent the day with my kids schools, we were all into the holiday spirit, but really I wasn't. To be honest I didn't even get out of bed until after 1. And at that time I had to talk myself into getting out of bed, I had the worse head ache i have had in a long time. And I have had major migraines alot, but this was one of the worse. I suffered through put on my happy face and off we went trick or treating. I poured caffeine down like I was going to die if I didn't have any, and then I started taking Motrin, Tylenol all the generic meds I could get my hands on. My our last stop I was so sick I had to lay down on my cousins floor. And poor Darin helped load the car up my kids stayed their all night and I was forever thankful. Bu this time I was so sick my vision was so screwed up we got home my heart was pounding, my head was throbbing we checked my blood pressure to find it was 206/115. This is high, and my husband immediately tells me that we are going to the ER. but stubborn me passes on that and decides it would be to busy and I'm to sick to go to the hospital... long story... i went for next 24 hours like this in bed popping tons of head ache pills, around the clock monitoring my bp, and begging to die. I couldn't get a good breath, at one point Darin sat down beside me and looked like he had tears in his eyes and was like honey I'm so worried lets go to the hospital, as I laid there thinking maybe I really should all the hours of meds finally hit me and I passed out until 5 that afternoon.
We have struggled with this over the weekend i went to the Dr today. My pressure was terrible there they gave me so much meds that I came home and passed out and now I'm getting a shower and going back to bed, they took alot of bled today they need to check out my kidneys and my heart and a few other things. We got my meds changed and I hope I start to feel like my old self soon.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Coming Soon!!!
Friday, September 11, 2009
a post that my hubby wrote last year 9/11/08
what i did 7 years ago? Current mood: blessed
I remember the phone call from my roommates brother, Brian, that woke me from my good night sleep. I was off that day which was not my normal day off. I was hoping to get some good sleep. But that phone call was a wake up call in more than that way.
Wake up! They bombed the towers! That is what i heard. I turned on the TV and sat for the whole day. I watched the Towers fall. I saw the second plane hit, live or taped i don't remember. But i will never forget the sight of the tower smoking when the plane hit the second tower. I sat and watch with tears in my eyes knowing that people were trapped. I called Dad and talked with him. I don't remember what he said but i know he gave me a calming talk. But it still hurt to see the sight of those towers.
Then the pentagon got hit and a plane went down near Pittsburgh.. It hurt me to see our country hit. I cried. I sat there thinking what i could do. I wanted to run out my door and help where i could. I was mad that anybody could have done this. They hurt innocent people who were at work. They were innocent. My anger grew with every passing image of what they could do. My country had taken a big hit and we were down. I was down.
How could this happen in this country. This is america and we dont have things happen like that here. How dare they attack us? How dare they come here and us our own planes to bring death to this country? Who do they think they are or were? But we are Americans and we survive.
I thought the whole day what i could do for the families of the victims. I sat sadden by my limited budget. I wanted to donate money but i had none. I wanted to leave and help but I needed to work the next day. I thought and thought what could I do. The one thought that came back was follow Doug, Dad, Grandpa, Uncle Larry, and many in my family. Did I have it in me to do it? Could I make it? That was the day i would give all i could to make sure it would not happen again. I would join the military and fight for my country. I told nobody. But I knew that was all i could give to my country and the fallen from that day.
I love this country and I have been blessed to live here. To watch all i did that day and not feel like running to the recruiter and sign up that day was the hardest thing I fought. They were not open that day anyway. But I decided That day i would give my life for the country that now sat with a black eye.
I pray that we remember what happened that day and never forget the damage that has been left. Remember that was the day we knew were were hated and death wanted on us. It was the day our view changed of the world. Remember we are still a great country. This was only a shot to the face. We stumbled and fell but got back up. We stand taller today. Remember every day the heros of flight 94 and the american spirit shown that day. That is the american spirit.
I love this country and the blessing it has given. It is truely blessed by God.
I remember the phone call from my roommates brother, Brian, that woke me from my good night sleep. I was off that day which was not my normal day off. I was hoping to get some good sleep. But that phone call was a wake up call in more than that way.
Wake up! They bombed the towers! That is what i heard. I turned on the TV and sat for the whole day. I watched the Towers fall. I saw the second plane hit, live or taped i don't remember. But i will never forget the sight of the tower smoking when the plane hit the second tower. I sat and watch with tears in my eyes knowing that people were trapped. I called Dad and talked with him. I don't remember what he said but i know he gave me a calming talk. But it still hurt to see the sight of those towers.
Then the pentagon got hit and a plane went down near Pittsburgh.. It hurt me to see our country hit. I cried. I sat there thinking what i could do. I wanted to run out my door and help where i could. I was mad that anybody could have done this. They hurt innocent people who were at work. They were innocent. My anger grew with every passing image of what they could do. My country had taken a big hit and we were down. I was down.
How could this happen in this country. This is america and we dont have things happen like that here. How dare they attack us? How dare they come here and us our own planes to bring death to this country? Who do they think they are or were? But we are Americans and we survive.
I thought the whole day what i could do for the families of the victims. I sat sadden by my limited budget. I wanted to donate money but i had none. I wanted to leave and help but I needed to work the next day. I thought and thought what could I do. The one thought that came back was follow Doug, Dad, Grandpa, Uncle Larry, and many in my family. Did I have it in me to do it? Could I make it? That was the day i would give all i could to make sure it would not happen again. I would join the military and fight for my country. I told nobody. But I knew that was all i could give to my country and the fallen from that day.
I love this country and I have been blessed to live here. To watch all i did that day and not feel like running to the recruiter and sign up that day was the hardest thing I fought. They were not open that day anyway. But I decided That day i would give my life for the country that now sat with a black eye.
I pray that we remember what happened that day and never forget the damage that has been left. Remember that was the day we knew were were hated and death wanted on us. It was the day our view changed of the world. Remember we are still a great country. This was only a shot to the face. We stumbled and fell but got back up. We stand taller today. Remember every day the heros of flight 94 and the american spirit shown that day. That is the american spirit.
I love this country and the blessing it has given. It is truely blessed by God.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
I felt like when this week started off, I was my happy-go0lucky self. I am so blessed to have the life that I have. I have a wonderful husband that I love more then I can tell you, I am a MOTHER, which right there is the biggest blessing in the world.. I have a great home, and my husband is secure in his job, I'm a stay at home mom. I just got an awesome new van. My life is good, until now BOOM- IT HIT ME!!!
When we went to "Meet the Teacher" and the kids schools on Thursday night, it hit me.. My hubby, the kids daddy will not be here for so much this year and next for that matter. With all his training and his deployment he will miss alot.
I have been looking at things months at a time and just forgetting the Long term of it all, and Now I'm not ok with this. I have been so supportive of my hubby while he goes off for all this training as he gets ready for promotion, I have not said "but honey, you will already be gone a year cant you just stay home." NO, being the supportive wife I said honey we will get thru this, this is what you want and I don't want to stand in the way. Its only a few months we can do this...
Like I said- it finally hit me.. My husband will not be here for my kids Fall Festival at school, he will be missing one of their birthdays, he will not be here for fall break, he will not be here for Halloween, he will not be here when they get their school awards, he will not be here when they get out of school, he will not be here for any summer fun, he will not be here for fireworks on the 4Th of July, he will not be here for any birthdays next year, he will not be there when Brayden changes schools into a new special ed program, he will miss his evaluation, he will miss meet the teacher night, there is sooooo much that will change. He will miss it all, I will send him pictures and notes and letters, and emails but he will not be here. And sometimes its hard!!!!!
Then today as I wasn't already down, he tells me he may go to a new unit, something I didn't want to hear, I have made relationships with these families, he is at hometown unit, I'm minutes away from being involved, or I can pass his unit every day and feel like I'm watching over him. Instead he has been offered to go to a unit that's nearly an hour away, and i have already been that far away before and I was left out of a Family Support because I couldn't drive that hour to be involved and it sucked! So I was really happy that I would have the support of being local, I don't know what he has decided, frankly i just shut down the army talk with him, I CANT GO ON ANY FURTHER TODAY!
Pray that tomorrow I get my head on my shoulders and able to be there for anyone that needs me, but tonight I'm weak and I HAVE HIT THAT BRICK WALL, and it hurts!!!!
When we went to "Meet the Teacher" and the kids schools on Thursday night, it hit me.. My hubby, the kids daddy will not be here for so much this year and next for that matter. With all his training and his deployment he will miss alot.
I have been looking at things months at a time and just forgetting the Long term of it all, and Now I'm not ok with this. I have been so supportive of my hubby while he goes off for all this training as he gets ready for promotion, I have not said "but honey, you will already be gone a year cant you just stay home." NO, being the supportive wife I said honey we will get thru this, this is what you want and I don't want to stand in the way. Its only a few months we can do this...
Like I said- it finally hit me.. My husband will not be here for my kids Fall Festival at school, he will be missing one of their birthdays, he will not be here for fall break, he will not be here for Halloween, he will not be here when they get their school awards, he will not be here when they get out of school, he will not be here for any summer fun, he will not be here for fireworks on the 4Th of July, he will not be here for any birthdays next year, he will not be there when Brayden changes schools into a new special ed program, he will miss his evaluation, he will miss meet the teacher night, there is sooooo much that will change. He will miss it all, I will send him pictures and notes and letters, and emails but he will not be here. And sometimes its hard!!!!!
Then today as I wasn't already down, he tells me he may go to a new unit, something I didn't want to hear, I have made relationships with these families, he is at hometown unit, I'm minutes away from being involved, or I can pass his unit every day and feel like I'm watching over him. Instead he has been offered to go to a unit that's nearly an hour away, and i have already been that far away before and I was left out of a Family Support because I couldn't drive that hour to be involved and it sucked! So I was really happy that I would have the support of being local, I don't know what he has decided, frankly i just shut down the army talk with him, I CANT GO ON ANY FURTHER TODAY!
Pray that tomorrow I get my head on my shoulders and able to be there for anyone that needs me, but tonight I'm weak and I HAVE HIT THAT BRICK WALL, and it hurts!!!!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
If I could hold time in a bottle-
I just want to say, you know that there are days that our life is so busy, that we just rush, rush and rush, try to get everything into one day. But today, you know I'm just sad. I wish that we could make time stand still. I would love to enjoy every single minute with my babies , they are going back to school in one week. And I cant stand it. So for the rest of this week, I'm going to try to slow down and enjoy some time with my babies, let the house go if need be. These floors will be here in 2 weeks to be cleaned but my babies will not. The next 2 days my hubby has taken off to spend some time with us as well, and I'm blessed to have that time with him. He will be traveling alot for the nest couple months while getting ready for his deployment, it makes me sick, but until then I'm going to enjoy every minute with him. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
This and That

OK i know that i have been terrible at blogging lately but so many things have been going on, I bought new living room furniture, and redid Khloes room for the 3rd time and sweet baby she is only 14 months old. Now we are preparing to go back to school, I can not tell you how I hate this, I love my kids being at home with me, we are such homebodies.. But anyway I know that they will be better off with the school routine. A lot of other things have been going on ever since June mentally I have been somewhere else, places that I should be letting my mind go to, but its so hard. I have got to start making myself come on here and just share what all I am feeling and blog about it, as I sit around and watch the news there seems to be so much negative going on, right now my heart is stuck on this one family that their son is on his first tour, and he is being held captive and to watch that video of him eating, he is eating as if he were hungry, he is talking and you know he is scared. I know that his family is worried sick, I am worried sick for that family, as I laid in bed on Monday night I was awake until 4:30 living in this world of "what ifs", and I just cant stand it... I pray for each and every military family out there... Say a little prayer for our family we still have a few months with Darin but we do know he is for sure leaving and the few months that he is home, every single month he will be gone a week or two or even tree weeks at a time so we will have him coming home and changing and doing laundry and leaving again and we get all this up until he leaves, just be near and pray for us, I love him and each and every solider we have....
Monday, July 6, 2009
Last Wednesday afternoon around 2 my hubby sent me a text and told me he was off until Monday, we were so excited, we were going to be able to have a nice long relaxing weekend, well i was getting ready to take khloe to the pool and for about 30 min i thought about it and sent Darin a text and said lets go somewhere lets take the kids and get away for a few days we will be back by Saturday to celebrate the 4Th with all our family, so we started googling the beach from my cell, for i was at the pool, then we thought that it was 10 hours away, and we wanted to leave as soon as he got off of work, he was still laughing i guess thinking that i would change my mind, but i didn't. I got my dad and sis to watch all the kids I ran home started packing, looked up a few more details and decided my hubby and the boys had never been to the mountains, and it was only 3 and half hours away, so when he got off at 430 we finished packing and some what cleaning our house, and by 6 we were out of here, booked our hotel, and off we were. I WILL post pics tomorrow and give you more details of the trip but AI wanted to let every one know where we had been, it was such a great get away and something that we need to do every other month just go somewhere. Now I'm tired so off to bed I must go!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Riding the Rollercoaster of Being a Military Wife
I know that tonight as I sit here trying to find some cute pics of my kids these last few days, and tell you some updates, that I'm so far behind on that I cant stand it , but you know I'M NOT. Tonight as I sit here thinking about my life, I just want to document how things are going right now and I'm so full of emotions that its hard for me to describe what all is going on, but I'm sure going to try, I want to remember things so I can look back and have these memories to share and reflect on when the time is right. Like I said things are all over the place.
Sunday was Father's day and although I have my father, and one of the best dad's, my children have a fantastic dad, I was sad. I know that I shouldn't be, but I was. I was sad for my husband that don't have his dad, I'm sad that he don't have his grandfather, I'm sad that as I sat here that day and prepared him dinner, a dinner for him, my dad, and my step dad, as I was sad knowing how bad I would love to be doing that for him next year, just as every single day passes and every event I go through these last few months they are so emotional for me because all that enters my mind now, is this time next year he will not be here with me.
I was picking Brayden up from summer school, poor guy, and thinking to my self that next year when the time comes I think that we should consider a diff rent summer program for him, I don't feel that he has had the therapy that he needed and he is 3, and my baby should be out playing and enjoying the summer we should be out swimming and playing out late at night not worrying if we are in our school routine, we should not be worrying if he had speech today, I should not have to worry did he make great progress with icky materials, did he interact with his friends. These are things that I want to consider next year and bounce these ideas off with my husband , but I cant look him in the eyes and have that conversation, oh wait I might can, despite the 14 hour time difference and the 10 second delay and I might could look him in the eyes through my web cam, what was i thinking?
I want to enjoy every single day to the fullest and have as many cookouts as I can with ALL OUR family around, I want him to know how much he is loved ,and to be reassured that me and this family here are ok.
We have been planning our Relay this year something that I could not be more excited about, something that I am so proud of our family for coming together and supporting each other as many of our family and friends fight against cancer. This has probably been the one thing this last month that has kept me from going into a stoop er, but this has its own emotional roller coaster all on its own, next year my hubby will not be here for this either.
I want us to have a great family vacation, and I'm to the point now, i don't care if its at a hotel an hour from here, I just want to go away from our house that has loads and loads of laundry that needs to be done, and the floors need to be cleaned and mopped, and dusting needs to be don't, but you know what Ill catch up on all my scrap booking next year, ill clean out closets later, right now I'm just going to enjoy my husband and my kids just the way they are right now.
The other night we were at a ball field watching 2 of my cousins play ball, we haven't went to a game all year, i had lots of family up there supporting one another the way they always do, I have the most incredible supportive family you could want, dardar, she is there for everything you need, if its a text to make you laugh, decorations for a party the grill to make the best burgers, birthdays, just support she is ALWAYS THERE! THE LIST could go on forever, I just mention her because she is ALWAYS there for EVERYONE. But that night we were sitting there and having the best time. It was 100 degrees, we hadn't had dinner, but I was there and we were having a blast, and I got so teary eyed knowing that, that moment would not happen again for me next year.
ALL OF THIS is a sacrifice and its a hard one, I have 2 aunts going through it with their kids, and I don't know how I could handle it, if it were my babies out there, but I know what its is to have a husband doing this, and it can suck, it can hurt, it can be lonely, it can make you angry, it make you ask questions, but there is one thing that makes it ALL OK, its something that is not made for everyone, being a solider is something that not everyone can do, but I tell you that my husband, was called to do this, and he is so proud of what he does, and this is how I go on, knowing that this is what he lives for supporting our country giving me this incredible freedom, I GO TO BED PROUD EVERY SINGLE DAY PROUD OF HIM FOR EVERYTHING HE DOES, HE IS INCREDIBLY DEDICATED. AND THAT'S HOW i can function to be a mom, friend, daughter, wife, with this wonderful family support, wonderful kids, and just knowing God will provide me with the comfort.
Sunday was Father's day and although I have my father, and one of the best dad's, my children have a fantastic dad, I was sad. I know that I shouldn't be, but I was. I was sad for my husband that don't have his dad, I'm sad that he don't have his grandfather, I'm sad that as I sat here that day and prepared him dinner, a dinner for him, my dad, and my step dad, as I was sad knowing how bad I would love to be doing that for him next year, just as every single day passes and every event I go through these last few months they are so emotional for me because all that enters my mind now, is this time next year he will not be here with me.
I was picking Brayden up from summer school, poor guy, and thinking to my self that next year when the time comes I think that we should consider a diff rent summer program for him, I don't feel that he has had the therapy that he needed and he is 3, and my baby should be out playing and enjoying the summer we should be out swimming and playing out late at night not worrying if we are in our school routine, we should not be worrying if he had speech today, I should not have to worry did he make great progress with icky materials, did he interact with his friends. These are things that I want to consider next year and bounce these ideas off with my husband , but I cant look him in the eyes and have that conversation, oh wait I might can, despite the 14 hour time difference and the 10 second delay and I might could look him in the eyes through my web cam, what was i thinking?
I want to enjoy every single day to the fullest and have as many cookouts as I can with ALL OUR family around, I want him to know how much he is loved ,and to be reassured that me and this family here are ok.
We have been planning our Relay this year something that I could not be more excited about, something that I am so proud of our family for coming together and supporting each other as many of our family and friends fight against cancer. This has probably been the one thing this last month that has kept me from going into a stoop er, but this has its own emotional roller coaster all on its own, next year my hubby will not be here for this either.
I want us to have a great family vacation, and I'm to the point now, i don't care if its at a hotel an hour from here, I just want to go away from our house that has loads and loads of laundry that needs to be done, and the floors need to be cleaned and mopped, and dusting needs to be don't, but you know what Ill catch up on all my scrap booking next year, ill clean out closets later, right now I'm just going to enjoy my husband and my kids just the way they are right now.
The other night we were at a ball field watching 2 of my cousins play ball, we haven't went to a game all year, i had lots of family up there supporting one another the way they always do, I have the most incredible supportive family you could want, dardar, she is there for everything you need, if its a text to make you laugh, decorations for a party the grill to make the best burgers, birthdays, just support she is ALWAYS THERE! THE LIST could go on forever, I just mention her because she is ALWAYS there for EVERYONE. But that night we were sitting there and having the best time. It was 100 degrees, we hadn't had dinner, but I was there and we were having a blast, and I got so teary eyed knowing that, that moment would not happen again for me next year.
ALL OF THIS is a sacrifice and its a hard one, I have 2 aunts going through it with their kids, and I don't know how I could handle it, if it were my babies out there, but I know what its is to have a husband doing this, and it can suck, it can hurt, it can be lonely, it can make you angry, it make you ask questions, but there is one thing that makes it ALL OK, its something that is not made for everyone, being a solider is something that not everyone can do, but I tell you that my husband, was called to do this, and he is so proud of what he does, and this is how I go on, knowing that this is what he lives for supporting our country giving me this incredible freedom, I GO TO BED PROUD EVERY SINGLE DAY PROUD OF HIM FOR EVERYTHING HE DOES, HE IS INCREDIBLY DEDICATED. AND THAT'S HOW i can function to be a mom, friend, daughter, wife, with this wonderful family support, wonderful kids, and just knowing God will provide me with the comfort.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
attempting an update...
There have been so many things that have been going on since I last blogged, I did take a break from it if you all read any other blogs you all know about the "fake blog" that we all got so into and I prayed for a baby that wasnt there, not going to talk more on that just felt I needed a break, and I was a little concerned over a few readers that I have had so i had to re- evaluate what I had to say and be careful for the fact of military details, another thing that has kept me away is my hubby went out of town and that made it tough on me here, his grandfather passed away so he went to Utah, and you know him being away for 5 days really was an eye opener for me, it made me have all those feelings of being a single mom again, not being able to comfort my husband since hew as so far away, just the sheer thought that he is leaving this year hit me.... With that going on, I really needed to take a break. I really have so much to update and I promise Im going to. But for this week I want to leave you with this please say a prayer for my Khloe she is going to have tubes put in on Thursday. I hope that everything goes well. So here are a few pics of baby girl.Say a prayer for her.
Khloe having mexican with Nana.

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Time to get caught up!!!
First let me start off with saying this post is full of pics, sorry! But we have had so much going on that I have not been able to upload pics, but I do have some done and would like to share,the month of May is such a busy month for us.... Let me start by saying Happy Anniversary Honey!!! It has been a difficult time, while living in 2 different countries and now we are preparing again for the separation, no matter how far apart we are, I always know that you are there for me, we don't always agree, OK we never agree on ANYTHING but that's OK we are two very strong willed people, that love our children, and work hard as a couple,Thank you for being a great dad, and wonderful husband, and I'm proud to be your wife, Thank you and Love YOU!!
Now moving on, geez.... Me and Ethan celebrating Easter! Love my little guy
Wow, I know I look goofy, but had to share this pic, I had just got to GG's house from a day at the spa, and my little angel,God love him had on these glasses, can it get any cuter
Oh, Miss Kinlee on her first Mother' s Day,

My sister, my mom, and me after returning from the spa!! For our Mothers day out treat!

ON May 16th rainy weather and all we had Miss Khloe's First Birthday Party! She looked so goofy in the hat, but she picked it out!

Hamming it up! Last minute we had to move it all inside, love the rain. but had enough of it

On May20,2009 Ethan walked his Kindergarten graduation line...

Ethan getting his diploma he is such the class clown!
Also on the same day, Brayden had his award ceremony and I still have to get those pics and upload, so ill share those tomorrow night, I am so proud of my boys, I had no idea that I would be sooooo emotional about the first year of school, but man oh man I am. Love me babies, and really don't want them to grow up!

( i told you it was a long post)

My sister, my mom, and me after returning from the spa!! For our Mothers day out treat!

ON May 16th rainy weather and all we had Miss Khloe's First Birthday Party! She looked so goofy in the hat, but she picked it out!

Hamming it up! Last minute we had to move it all inside, love the rain. but had enough of it

On May20,2009 Ethan walked his Kindergarten graduation line...


( i told you it was a long post)
******AND TONIGHT**** please pray for Darin's grandfather, he has been in the hospital over a week now and things are looking touch and go. Pray that the family in Utah, can have some kind of peace, and strength I know hospitals can make you exhausted, may they enjoy these days and have pleasant memories with these wonderful man... Just uplift them, they can use the prayer!!!
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