And Brayden went to the Dr today too, he weighed 43 pounds, and he was tested again for flu, although we have all had swine flu, thankfully he did not have flu and his throat and ears looked good, he does have a very active tummy and he has a tummy bug, so we will see how things are going tomorrow if he goes to school tomorrow. So to say the least we have had a very long day full of screaming mad whiny kids.
Thankfully Ethan is staying strong and not sick, he went to choir practice tonight and he is staying with Papa so that he stays clear from the germs.. Speaking of Ethan, remind me I owe him his own entire post and his teenager ways!
****Just for fun we weighed Kinlee tonight and she weighed 23 pounds funny we have one 23,33,43 pounds Ill have to weigh Ethan and see where he is at.
*Note to self- I owe Brayden his entire Birthday Post.Ethan's bday is next Thursday!! These kids are growing like crazy!
I'm so sorry that ya'll have been sick! I'll pray for your family! Cute girlie! :)