what i did 7 years ago? Current mood: blessed
I remember the phone call from my roommates brother, Brian, that woke me from my good night sleep. I was off that day which was not my normal day off. I was hoping to get some good sleep. But that phone call was a wake up call in more than that way.
Wake up! They bombed the towers! That is what i heard. I turned on the TV and sat for the whole day. I watched the Towers fall. I saw the second plane hit, live or taped i don't remember. But i will never forget the sight of the tower smoking when the plane hit the second tower. I sat and watch with tears in my eyes knowing that people were trapped. I called Dad and talked with him. I don't remember what he said but i know he gave me a calming talk. But it still hurt to see the sight of those towers.
Then the pentagon got hit and a plane went down near Pittsburgh.. It hurt me to see our country hit. I cried. I sat there thinking what i could do. I wanted to run out my door and help where i could. I was mad that anybody could have done this. They hurt innocent people who were at work. They were innocent. My anger grew with every passing image of what they could do. My country had taken a big hit and we were down. I was down.
How could this happen in this country. This is america and we dont have things happen like that here. How dare they attack us? How dare they come here and us our own planes to bring death to this country? Who do they think they are or were? But we are Americans and we survive.
I thought the whole day what i could do for the families of the victims. I sat sadden by my limited budget. I wanted to donate money but i had none. I wanted to leave and help but I needed to work the next day. I thought and thought what could I do. The one thought that came back was follow Doug, Dad, Grandpa, Uncle Larry, and many in my family. Did I have it in me to do it? Could I make it? That was the day i would give all i could to make sure it would not happen again. I would join the military and fight for my country. I told nobody. But I knew that was all i could give to my country and the fallen from that day.
I love this country and I have been blessed to live here. To watch all i did that day and not feel like running to the recruiter and sign up that day was the hardest thing I fought. They were not open that day anyway. But I decided That day i would give my life for the country that now sat with a black eye.
I pray that we remember what happened that day and never forget the damage that has been left. Remember that was the day we knew were were hated and death wanted on us. It was the day our view changed of the world. Remember we are still a great country. This was only a shot to the face. We stumbled and fell but got back up. We stand taller today. Remember every day the heros of flight 94 and the american spirit shown that day. That is the american spirit.
I love this country and the blessing it has given. It is truely blessed by God.
Friday, September 11, 2009
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I got chills just reading that! You have an amazing husband and I am so happy to see there are still true heros and good blooded americans ready to give their heart and soul for us all. I am also so in honor to you Tiffany to have to say goodbye to you love and not know what could happen on a regular basis makes you a hero too! God bless you both and thank you!!