Monday, March 30, 2009
My Dad
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Be in prayers we are under tornado warnings and bad weather is coming this way, pray that everyone is safe...
Friday, March 27, 2009

Its Friday!!!!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Thankful Thursday!!!

Let me know what your Thankful for today....
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Also today, the boys and I all got hair cuts, Khloe don't need one yet, she is still good in that area,LOL but the major part of that was Brayden actually allowed someone "New" to touch his hair, for the past 3 years no one has cut his hair but my mom, we tried a few times but the fact that someone touched his hair was too much, and going to a salon was hard, he hates the loud sounds of blow dryers, he still cant use one and them spraying water on him, did not go well, but he did get a hair cut, ill post pics tomorrow.. When you sit back and think of the small things that he has accomplished its awesome, for over 2 years we could only brush his hair with a sensory brush or a dish brush those 2 textures did not bother him, but to use a real brush was to much stimulation. Small baby steps, he is making major progress, if only I could get them all well... During the last few days they have all got this"cough" an evil cough.. And when it gets around 8:00 and Brayden lays down he coughs so hard it makes him sick, and well Ethan did the same thing and this morning he had gook in his eyes, he was screaming he thought he was blind he couldn't open his eyes, and Khloe, Oh my goodness.. i don't care when she goes to sleep she is going to have crazy coughing spells.. We know most of all of this is to do with allergies, but oh my we are soooooo over the coughing. we ll need rest..!!!!!!! and until then.. we are all off with cool mist humidifiers in all the rooms that the kids are sleeping with, which it is funny me and the boys are in my room and Darin and Khloe are in her room, so much crazy coughing oh my what are we to do?? Good night..
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
What a diffrence some sleep can make

Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
6 years later...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Monday, March 16, 2009

*As of today Khloe has 2 cute bottom teeth, but her top 2 are coming through.
* She is scooting around everywhere, she can crawl backwards, not forward just yet, but she can get anywhere she wants by this little scoot that she does.
* She loves being in her walker, she has finally got the hang of going forward!!
* Wonderful pincer grasp- she can pick up cheerios and feed them her self. AWESOME!
* She has become a little bit of a picky eater, that depends on the day, her favorite foods would be yo baby yogurt, and turkey rice dinners, or turkey and sweet potatoes.
* She loves taking bathes, go for rides in the car (we have even been found guilty of taking her for rides at night to get her to go to sleep)
*At one point in time Khloe slept thru the night, now she for goes that , I think she cant stand going a full night with waking up to see everyone,LOL
*She LOVES playing with her babies and gives big kisses...
* She totally loves getting her pics made, she can be in full out crying mode and see a camera and smiles then starts back to crying..
the one big negative is that she really likes to smack people and you can tell its purely out of anger when she does it. feisty girl...
She is a sweet little girl and feel so blessed to have her as a part of our life.
WE Love you sweet baby love!!!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Really--- is the weekend over???
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Only in TN-----
Well, I just had to share with you one of the cutest pics ever, this my friends is my sweet little B, doing what he does... He lives in his own little world, and even Khloe wants in on the action... Brayden is really loving "pretend play" he talks on the phone and carries on conversations, per Bray's language at time s we were understand alot of what he is saying or at least I do Darin, not so much.. but that's what we mama's do - then shows how close Khloe is to crawling... Just not there yet. Ill have to update you all tomorrow on Brayden's new pretend play--- you can tell he really pays attention to what is going on there--- but that you will have to wait for.... Speaking of tomorrow only in TN--- do we get school called off due to INCLEMENT Weather, when it rains and drops below 33 degrees??? (a little exaggeration) but we are out tomorrow and no snow in sight, we really haven't seen any this year....
And speaking of weather---- Ethan had Spring Pics made yesterday at school ,Look how cute he was, man he is really growing up... He also had awards day at school today- he is such a class clown he got on stage today dancing, and waving--- come on E!!! HE is such a ham... Well, I hope you all enjoy your" SNOW DAY" and we are now out of school for 2 more weeks of SPRING BREAK!!! One more small note- my hubby took off 3 days this week to spend some family time together, and although we really have nothing but relax around the house, it has been a nice 3 days-
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Here We Go.....
Today the boys got their report cards, E did really good he is really mastering alot, you know Kindergarten has been so good for him, but we did notice the pattern for him. ALL the things that E needs improvment in, are things like, TALKING(go figure), following directions, Listening before talking, working well without disturbing others... so in otherwords E is smart he loves to write,read, math, loves studying presidents, and money but the boy, HE IS MY CHILD, cant stop talking.... LOL .Well what can I say we only have 9 weeks left of school and we have had only ONE trip to the principal, so thats not that bad is it :)
Now for B, he got his report card today as well, and in special ed. things are alot diffrent we have about 6 pages of goal to be met before the end of the year, and he is graded 1-5, with 1 being no improvment and 5 being mastered, B received only 1's in going to Potty. He is still not ready, and we all can see that, but over spring break next week we are going to work a little more on that. But over all he got lots of 2 with needing more time to master, but we are not worried, we can tell that he is made alot of progress and we are soooo pleased, he is still doing speech 3 times a week, and he is getting OT 1 time a week, also over spring break we are going to try to make it the eye dr. for him, with sensory integreation, he may being to stimulated with his eyes, meaning that sometimes when seing too much of an object can be to much for his brain to process, but they have vision thearpy for that.. So no problem.. On a funny note, speacking of his eye, I get a phone call from school Monday telling me that B had an accident on the playground at school and he was ok, but another little boy had sctated B's pupil and it was very red, and a little uncomfortable, B and this little boy have already had 2 other fights.... These boys can be a handful... Of course we are not mad he is autistic, and boys will be boys., these sweet special kids B's class have such issues to overcome to be so small, but we are so blessed to have a program for 3 yr old to start out in and get ready for "school" . Its awsome and we have 3 sweet teachers that love these kids like they were there own, which makes it wonderful for us mommies..
Now for Miss Khloe- she is doing awsome really wanting to crawl she is scooting everywhere and can crawl backwards, she is rocking on those knees, but cant get that crawling forward thing down just yet.. Man we will be in for it when she does, but there is nothing cuter then to see a little one crawling around, I cant wait ( typing this so i can look back in a few months when I say, omg please K stop getting into everything, LOL)she is going thru a stage where she dont want to eat her baby food, or table food , she just wants her bottle, maybe we should cut back on feeding s to make her hungrier, so she will eat better, hmm who know any suggestions let me know , and she is also not wanting to sleep thru the night, again, help a mommy out...puuullease!!!!!!!!!!
*** and if you are still reading ,BIG HUGS to you, but keep us in your prayers, Darin starts full time army on Monday and will do this until he is delpoyed in Dec. Please check back in with us and comment - Night to you all