Friday, March 20, 2009


Have you ever just had a day that you started out in a bad mood and you really have no idea why your mad, but your just mad... Well, that's how my day started but as the day got going it was great me and all the kids had a great day destroying our house, then daddy came home, whoops-- but not in a bad mood after all it's Friday and he got off early. But as the night went on, and things just fell apart for me again, here it is almost 12:30 I'm still up, and as I sit here I cant help but to get madder and madder, things just didn't seem right tonight for me, every little thing has gotten me upset inside, I have not let it show but I'm exploding on this keyboard.. I have 3 other post that I have started and cant get into my heart to get them finished, I'm off to bed, to say a long prayer for some peace and I will wake up tomorrow refreshed and ready to enjoy some spring weather..(that's my plan at least). I know as women, as a mommy, as a wife, just as a human we just have bad days. Although I got alot done and out of the house without kids today, and let it be known that NO ONE has upset me its just little crazy things are driving me crazy small ex. the ball in the mouse at my computer is driving me crazy and if I didn't think my hubby thought that I was crazy the mouse would probably be tossed into the wall, silly I know and that's why I'm off to bed... I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN MY THANKFUL THURSDAY POST, BUT GROUCHO NEEDS TO GET TO BED!! lol NIGHT

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that you were having one of 'those days' yesterday. I know that having all of the responsibility of being a wife and Mom of 3 can be stressful. And also not getting enough sleep, among other things. Anyway, I hope that you are having a better day today :) Also, my thanks to your husband for serving our country. We would not be safe or enjoy the freedoms that we have without him and people like him in our military! Thank you!
