Also today, the boys and I all got hair cuts, Khloe don't need one yet, she is still good in that area,LOL but the major part of that was Brayden actually allowed someone "New" to touch his hair, for the past 3 years no one has cut his hair but my mom, we tried a few times but the fact that someone touched his hair was too much, and going to a salon was hard, he hates the loud sounds of blow dryers, he still cant use one and them spraying water on him, did not go well, but he did get a hair cut, ill post pics tomorrow.. When you sit back and think of the small things that he has accomplished its awesome, for over 2 years we could only brush his hair with a sensory brush or a dish brush those 2 textures did not bother him, but to use a real brush was to much stimulation. Small baby steps, he is making major progress, if only I could get them all well... During the last few days they have all got this"cough" an evil cough.. And when it gets around 8:00 and Brayden lays down he coughs so hard it makes him sick, and well Ethan did the same thing and this morning he had gook in his eyes, he was screaming he thought he was blind he couldn't open his eyes, and Khloe, Oh my goodness.. i don't care when she goes to sleep she is going to have crazy coughing spells.. We know most of all of this is to do with allergies, but oh my we are soooooo over the coughing. we ll need rest..!!!!!!! and until then.. we are all off with cool mist humidifiers in all the rooms that the kids are sleeping with, which it is funny me and the boys are in my room and Darin and Khloe are in her room, so much crazy coughing oh my what are we to do?? Good night..
Cute pics! I'm so sorry that ya'll are still coughing and not feeling good, I will pray for your family. Those coughs just linger and linger don't they? Do you have a nebulizer? Those usually help.