Saturday, March 7, 2009


I have been totally addicted to reading blogs, but never took the time to actually set my blog up, but TODAY my friends i will get going, Im excited to finally be a part of the blogging world. While being a very faithful reader to lots of blogs I have been so inspired by so many of your families. I have prayed for lots of you while you were pregnant like you were my own sister, I have cried over your sick babies, Rejoyced when you finally brought your babies home, cried when you had to let your babies go to be with our Sweet Jesus. I know that this world is made up of such strong families, and unbelievalby faithful people. Thank you for being such an inspiration... as I hope that I can educate, and document the wonderful days of my life with my sweet Kids. I would love to share our story of Stiff Person Syndrome, dealing with the question is he or isnt he--Autistic? dealing with developmental issues, and raising babies that you have been blessed to parent for people, who just were not ready.. I would love to share our story of my wonderful Husband that is so strong and he has taught me that you have to take things One Day at a Time -- thanks to Army Life.. So I hope to meet lots of sweet families and really share our thoughts together... Happy Blogging!!!!

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