Here is one of our biggest supports, my aunt. She is my rock and always there for me, I don't know what I would do without her, and perhaps with her backing me up maybe that where some of this extra strength is coming from...

My mom is more like me, we cant pull ourselves together. I love my mom. She is my best friend, I can fuss at her, bless her she takes it, I can cry and she will cry with me, she can nag me do death about cleaning my house, but no matter what she is always there for me. She loves her son-in-law.. To this day we cant hardly talk about Darin without us crying normally if I'M crying she cries... Bless her heart.

LET THE TEARS BEGIN--- (notice my poor mom crying in every pic, this is why you cant see me I could barely stay strong so my kids could get there good- byes over with it)
Daddy and Ethan did pretty good, poor Ethan had no idea how long daddy would be gone, Darin was gone alot this last year and he thought it would be like that this time, and to much of his surprise daddy is gone for a longer time, and he is having a pretty hard time. We are talking to a councilor at school and thankful for all the support out there.

Brayden is daddy boy, this was a harder good- bye. Brayden says daily how much he misses daddy and please bring him home. Is daddy stuck at the hotel? HE really don't understand but bless him they are such sweet kids.

Then mommy lost it....
WE had a hard time saying good -bye . Darin is the love of my life. WE have lots of problems, we disagree alot, but never ever a day goes by that we are not thankful for each other and know that we are always there for one another, and he supports me in all that I do, and I try my hardest to show him all the support in the world.

Brayden is daddy boy, this was a harder good- bye. Brayden says daily how much he misses daddy and please bring him home. Is daddy stuck at the hotel? HE really don't understand but bless him they are such sweet kids.

Then mommy lost it....

This post made me cry! :(