I cant tell you how excited I was today when the mailman backed down our driveway to bring in this package!!!! I knew that Darin had sent it but it had been 3 weeks and I was getting anxious he had hoped it would be here before our anniversary, but it didnt and I was a little upset, but deep in my heart I was ok.. I knew that God has a wonderful way with timing, and I knew that he knew when I really needed it. On my anniversary alot of my family came over for some fun relay stuff, and they had me so cheered up so I knew that I was ok... Honostly, yesterday was a bit of a hard day so I would not be to mad if it came. But it didnt .... SO Indeed, God knows better. Well, EVERYTHING went bad today... I was at the point of tears, just frusterated, I had to get my house clean seemed like I couldnt do any thing right, my kids were fussy, the time was going to fast, I still had to much to do. I was ready to throw my hands up and say IM TO TIRED TO KEEP GOING ON>>> THEN, the mailman came, he was smiling, ( I have had him a long time, and he knew me from last deployment) He knew I ran out to the mail box every day to see if I had a letter, so today when he saw the BIG black box, he was all smiles.... Inside the box had a lot of
Darin's cold weather stuff, so it was some of his stuff coming home... This hit me, he will be coming home... I smelled his clothes it was great,looked in some of his bags, and saw a pink star burst wrapper, (
Darin and B love star burst ) it was
sooooo Darin, inside of his electric blanket was this
awesome wooden box. Handmade!!!

And I LOVE IT!!!!! It looks just like me, I'm into the rustic wooden things.. Tonight when I talked to him he said that was the traditional weeding anniversary gift for 5 years-- woood!! So it was so thoughtful., I have the best hubby in the world. Thank you love, I'm on cloud 9!
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