Monday, January 4, 2010

Soliders Send Off

I'm going to try to limit the rest of my post to not being just military post, but we live a very military life, and therefore I do talk about it alot, but I started this blog to escape all military life. I want to scrapbook our time for Darin and the rest of the family to see, I am very proud of what we are, and I stand for alot, but for the safety of my family and my hubby and the soldiers with him I'M going to try to limit Military post.. Me and the boys getting ready for Darin to come by, it was freezing outside.
Ethan being a brave young man.

We had a reporter from a newspaper with us that day, and that was the lady with the camera, but look at what a great amount of family that came out to support i think we had around 20 there, it was great.

Here they come.....

These buses had some of the most special people on there. God please wrap your arms around them and protect them, They have safely made it back to Camp Shelby and getting all the proper training before heading out of the states.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tiffany, My name is Ainslee Edwards and I am one of the founders of the SPS Association.
    We have a budding web site at
    and a busy and fun chat and blog page on
    Facebook, simply sign on to FB and search:
    Stiff Person Syndrome.
    I spend several hours a week just scanning the web for people metioning SPS and letting them know that there is support out here.
    We are new and already have members from
    the UK, Canada, Venezuela, Australia and more.
    I would love to keep in touch with you about your adorable baby...we have a few children and tweens we are setting up an SPS KIDZ page eventualy, but babies are new to us...but I can understand all that you are going thru, being a Navy Junior all my life...we just watched the Ships leave Norfolk or San Diego or Newport....Give us a ring if you should want company. Ciao, and Happy New Year. Ainslee Grace
